Conditions Benefited by Chiropractic Care

Our goal at Special Birds Family Chiropractic is to keep you well.

Regular wellness visits prevent illness & other conditions from happening in the first place. Our mission is to focus on our patient’s overall well-being. Through the use of chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises, and natural supplements, we are able to keep our patients in good health for longer.

When necessary, chiropractic care can be used to address a wide variety of symptoms and conditions.

Although wellness is our main goal, we understand that sometimes outside contributing factors may lead to an illness or condition that can benefit from chiropractic care. Here are a few of the most common conditions that may also benefit from a visit to our office.


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Lip/Tongue Tie

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Breastfeeding Issues

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Teething & Fussiness

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Headaches may range from mild aches to prolonged stabbing pain that can lead you to feel incapacitated. Issues that could trigger a headache may include lifestyle factors, underlying medical conditions, chronic illnesses, stress, or even unknown reasons. Chiropractic care can help provide headache relief so the pain doesn’t slow you down.


The sciatica nerve is located in the lower back region as it runs into the legs. This nerve may become compressed as our chiropractic services helps to relieve this pressure.

TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint Pain)

Using the Activator Protocol, we have the ability to assess all the different ways the jaw moves and can become locked or pinch on nerves that travel along that area. These nerves being locked or pinched can contribute to a whole range of issues including headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, etc. Chiropractic adjustments can help to release these nerves and reduce associated pain!

Back Pain

Back pain may be focused on a specific area of the upper, middle, or lower back or be more generalized. This pain can be incapacitating, preventing you from moving or bending over. Our care treatments can help relieve the pain in the tissues along the back, and allow you to return to your normal activities.

Neck Pain

A feeling of sharp pain or achiness along the neck could be a sign of other underlying issues. Issues with the neck may prevent you from having full range of motion, and can lead to other injuries. Our chiropractic services are designed to help lessen and relieve the pain so you can gain full range of motion again without the pain.

Herniated Discs

A herniated disc is when the soft inner part of the spinal disc ruptures and pushes out through a tear in the outer ring of the disc and presses against the nerves. This problem can occur anywhere along the spine. Our chiropractic services may help relieve the pain by moving the disc from the impacted nerve.

Carpal Tunnel

This hand condition involves the compression of the median nerve that may lead to numbness, a tingling sensation, or pain along the hand. Chiropractic treatments focus on relieving the pain caused by the compression and providing corrective treatment & exercises that help prevent this from becoming a long-term condition.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can occur in a number of places along the upper body such as shoulder blades, rotator cuffs, arm joints, or along the upper back. Our treatments focus on determining the root location of the problem and helping to soothe the shoulder pain you are experiencing.

Knee Pain

Knee pain can consist of achiness, sharp pains, grinding, or a numbing sensation. The discomfort may become worse when doing certain activities or during prolonged sitting. Our services help figure out the reason for the pain, such as a misalignment along the leg, as we then provide the appropriate treatments.

Runner’s Knee

Runner’s knee is a condition where the kneecap causes pain. It could be the result of poor alignment of the thigh bone or lower leg bone as we treat the causes of the pain.

Foot Pain

Foot pain may be caused by poor alignment, foot injuries, chronic conditions, or old age. Too much pressure may be along part of the foot as our chiropractic services help to relieve this pressure.

Plantar Fasciitis

Some foot pain may be the result of plantar fasciitis, where the connective tissues that help support the foot nay experience pain from misalignment. Chiropractic treatment targets this area to relieve the misalignment.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow involves the inflammation of the tendon that is outside the elbow. It is a type of tendonitis from overextension or when doing repetitive motions. Our services help to relieve the pain so you can regain movement of the target area.

Golfer’s Elbow

Golfer’s elbow is tendon inflammation along the inside of the elbow area. This pain and tenderness may extend down the forearm and into the wrist as our chiropractic practice helps to relieve the inflammation.


Neuropathy involves damage and pain to the nerves along the body that may be caused by compression or poor circulation. The location of the nerve damage may vary and feel like a pins and needles or numbness sensation. Our office treats the impacted area by improving circulation and removing the compression.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain involves prolong tenderness, achiness, dull, or sharp pains that have not responded well to medication or other treatments. Chiropractic treatments may be a viable option to help lessen this pain.

Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries may cause pain, compression, or discomfort in regions throughout the body. Chiropractic care services may become part of your pain management plan to treat the injury and relieve the pain.

Auto Accidents

Auto accidents may cause a range of different medical issues, from compressed nerves to misalignment of joints. Our treatment services are tailored to your specific pain and injury to provide relief.

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries may be chronic conditions caused by repetitive movements or compression of the nerves. They may also be caused by an accident. Seeking chiropractic treatment may lessen the pain by treating the issue.

Contact us today to see how we can help with your chronic pain!